This crisis is an amplifier
Good people will show more of their good in these tough times: more empathy, more generosity, more accountability. Evil people will show more of their evil in these tough times: more narcissism, more irresponsibility, more greed. Good companies will show more of their...

Great business lessons from great bands.
From great bands.From great bands.From great bands.Listen, I thought we could all use a break from the relentless pandemic news. And yet, now more than ever, it is important to add experience to our intelligence, and so transform it into wisdom. In this case, not your...

When “Sorry, I left the lens cap on” just won’t do.
Filming the Super Bowl and managing your own top talent culture. Complacency doesn’t just affect employee cultures that are less than competent; it breeds in employee cultures that are extremely competent. Such cultures know they’re the best. They are confident of...

When wrong is the best way to right. In the name of hyper-innovation, growth, and ROI/C metrics the enterprise has a never-ending demand for competence from its manager and employee cultures. Could anything be missing in the constant push for topnotch expertise in...

Sgt. Pepper’s is having its 50th anniversary this year, with a super deluxe reissue version released today. Although Lennon was responsible for the two best songs, the album was McCartney’s concept and he wrote or co-wrote nine of the thirteen tracks. He’s the only...

SLAP Company Featured on IT Best of Breed
"Culture," Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year in 2014, is one of the most overused and least understood terms in the tech industry. As solution providers grapple with an epochal shift to the cloud -- with many aiming to transition toward a strategic service provider...

2 Things You Must Know About Employee Culture
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE The jungle of your business culture that is. Let's just hope you don't feel like Margaret Meade in your own office, crouching behind the copy machine, observing your employee culture. This excerpt of my book, read by me, is a brief introduction...

Stan Slap at the Xchange Partner Event in Los Angeles
To book a time with Stan Slap at the XChange Partner Event in Los Angeles, please fill out this form and I will contact you with more information right away. Thank you, Adrian Jones. [email protected]

“Some people live and learn. Never was lucky that way,” once sang Boz Scaggs. If you tremble at the thought of starting another year repeating ineffective business strategies –– or that your management career has somehow turned into a Boz Scaggs song –– here are five...
The True Value of Emotional Commitment by Stan Slap
This is not soft stuff. This is the stuff of hardcore results. The companies that bring us in to do this work either to build a brandable customer experience or transform and protect their employee and manager cultures. We...
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