This is Why. ... Your Answers
[if 83]1. This is what frightens me for the world.[83][/if 83] [if 84]2. This is the most beautiful thing in my life.
[84][/if 84] [if 85]3. This is the most important thing for the leader of my country to remember.
[85][/if 85] [if 88]4. This is the most unfair thing.
[88][/if 88] [if 86]5. This is when I've been the most determined in my life.
[86][/if 86] [if 87]6. This is when I've been most at peace.
[87][/if 87] [if 89]7. These are the three things I'd tell a child are the most important to leading a fulfilled life.
[89] [92] [93][/if 89] [if 94]8a. What is right with the world that must be protected?
[94][/if 94] [if 95]8b. What is wrong with the world that must be corrected?
[95][/if 95] [if 97]8c. What characteristics would the people of this company need to protect what must be protected and correct what must be corrected?
[97] [98] [99] [100] [101][/if 97]
Section 2: Why Does Music Move You?
[if 106]What are the three songs that move you the most and why?[106][/if 106] [if 114]What is the power of music, to you?
[114][/if 114]