Good people will show more of their good in these tough times: more empathy, more generosity, more accountability. Evil people will show more of their evil in these tough times: more narcissism, more irresponsibility, more greed.
Good companies will show more of their good in these tough times: More protection of their employees to the utmost of their abilities, more service to their customers in novel ways, more use of their facilities for common and community benefit. Bad companies will show more of their bad in these tough times: More uncaring for the literal and emotional safety of their employee culture, more disregard for being relevant to their customers unless they are trying to sell them something, more refusal to use their resources to give and give back rather than to always take.
Good government officials will show more of their good in these tough times: More recognition that the first purpose of leadership is to serve your true constituency or your leadership is fundamentally corrupt, more emphasis on the safety of their constituency as the priority, more modeling and messages of hope, truth and appeal to our better angels. Bad government officials will show more of their bad in these tough times: More partisan divide, more inflammatory rhetoric that passes for and distracts from substantive solutions; more concern about their own careers and donors than the welfare of their citizens.
The only question is whether there are more good people than bad people. This was decided long before this current crisis descended upon us. I believe, with my heart and to my soul, that there are a lot more good people, and that they populate communities and organizations that are extraordinarily capable of doing good things in these tough times.
Otherwise nothing will ever make sense in our world, even when this crisis passes.
Our energy should be focused on confirming that we’re on the side of the angels, not wondering what the devils are up to. They play poker with the face card pasted smack on their foreheads – it’s easy to tell what they’re up to, and easy to forecast their motives and plans. But we’re playing at our own table, not theirs.
What actions of people and organizations have just reinforced your belief that there is enough good out there to smack down, stop, thwart, ignore, interrupt, screw mightily with, and ultimately triumph over the bad? They can be mainstream or obscure; global or known only to you; profound or bizarre; your own actions or the actions of others. Share them here and keep ‘em coming. View ListAdd to itMORE GOOD

Zach Regan and Matty Johnson were camping on Vancouver Island when they found a lost dog stuck in a sea cliff cave.
Post by ANGELE from SLAP.

After his ballet video in the rain went viral, Anthony Mmesoma Madu, 11, has been offered a scholarship to the ABT dance school in Manhattan.
Post by ANGELE from SLAP.

Outside Adelaide, nearly 40,000 gallons of stale beer has been donated weekly to Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant to make renewable energy.
Post by ANGELE from SLAP.

Good Samaritans John and Avis Thompson in Ogdensburg, New York offered their truck in a Walmart parking lot to transport a grill for stranger.
Post by ANGELE from SLAP.

Joseph Beer, 15, has spent lockdown in the town of Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, England, cleaning up road signs and hedges.
Post by Angele from SLAP.

An Illinois community is rallying behind two 13-year-old boys after their lemonade stand was robbed at gunpoint.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

After decades in captivity and a 1,700-mile road trip from Argentina into Brazil, an Asian elephant named Mara finally gained a chance to roam.
Post by Diane Slap from SLAP.
He lived on the streets of L.A. for more than two decades and had little hope his life would change. Then a woman walking her dog stopped to talk.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Virtual school will never be a perfect replacement for in-person learning, but there’s a lot of room for improvement.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

A school district in Indiana, trying to ensure all students have access to the internet for virtual learning, said it's sending 35 WiFi-equipped buses across town during school hours.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Hundreds of companies have already joined the Time to Vote movement, and I hope even more will sign on before November, writes Levi Strauss CEO Chip Bergh. This is an unprecedented moment in our history that demands unprecedented advocacy on the part of Corporate America.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Every day for nearly a week, Manette Sharick and her 3-year-old daughter, Zhuri, drew "Black Lives Matter" in chalk across the sidewalk outside their home in Concord, California.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Dubai Crown Prince will pay for the hospital expenses of a Nigerian mother and her quadruplets stranded in the country with mounting medical bills, the hospital said Wednesday.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

A South Florida family who lost their home in a fire recently now has a new place to call home for the next several months.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

For 4 years in Yardley, Pennsylvania, St. Andrew’s church has been running a food program for shut-in seniors, but when COVID hit a soup brigade mobilized.
Post by Mikkii Laurel from SLAP.

Israel considers Lebanon an enemy state, but today, Tel Aviv stood in solidarity with its northern neighbor.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

A young boy in Conway, South Carolina, is making a big difference in his community, one act of kindness at a time.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

A 14-year-old girl has raised $14,000 for senior dogs who have been left behind with the goal of helping them find a forever home like she did when she was adopted.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

A Vancouver woman has been reunited with a teddy bear that has special significance for her.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Isabella Appell created Talking Masks from her California home, sewing face masks with a see-through window to help the deaf community read lips.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

One of the bright spots in Atlanta as it struggles under the weight of the coronavirus pandemic is Chavis Flagg, a guitar player who has turned the city's popular Beltline trail into his stage.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

After John Thomas Archer's impromptu performance of Journey's “Don’t Stop Believin’” at a Massachusetts thrift shop went viral, shop owner Mark Waters gave him the instrument.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

Haley Blanchette, 20, and Billy Cincotta, 18, rushed out into the water to save five children who were caught in a rip current.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

Before the pandemic hit, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow and Mary's Meals fed 1.6 million of the world's poorest students every school day. Since Covid-19 closed schools around the world, they found new ways to nourish hungry kids.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

The Afghan Girls Robotics Team of Herat, which won several major scientific awards in 2017 is back with a new invention - an inexpensive portable ventilator.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.