The Essential Guide to Harnessing the Power of Your Employee Culture
Are you wondering how to get your employee culture’s commitment to your company goals? Under The Hood: TOC is your one-stop solution. Download the Course OverviewBuckle up — we're going off-road.
This is the gold standard for achieving maximum performance for your business.
Fire up and fine-tune your employee culture.
“There is no one on this planet that better understands how to get desired cultural response than SLAP. Over the last fifteen years I have deployed them in three companies doing battle in intensely competitive markets.
“They have never failed to deliver outstanding results.”
“When I first took over our $12-billon channel business, our CEO Mark Hurd sent me a one-sentence email that said, ‘You are now in charge of the worst-running organization in the entire company.’ Two years later, he sent me another email that said, ‘You are now in charge of the best-running organization in the entire company.’
“The difference was SLAP. Their value and ROI are unquestionable.”
“I can say without hesitation that SLAP changed the potential of our entire company.”
“SLAP has made a significant, long-term difference in the commitment of our managers and their ability to achieve results through others. Their methods were transformational for me and for our entire organization.”
“SLAP was the primary reason that we were able to make massive operating changes without disrupting our all-important culture and soul. They helped us grow our most profitable division by 300%.
“Our executive team voted the SLAP company as one of the ten most important things to ever happen to our company.”
“Experiencing SLAP’s cultural process was like taking the red pill in The Matrix. Everything was suddenly revealed for our executive team.”
“I have never met anyone who knows more about culture than Stan Slap.”
“Before SLAP, my division was losing $116M a year. After SLAP, we’re $100M to the good and we’ve gained 10% market share even after raising our prices 3%. I absolutely credit them as the driving force behind our turnaround.
When I brought SLAP into our company I billed them as ‘potentially life changing.’ Their work delivered on that promise and continues to do so.”
“Whenever I meet with Stan Slap, I don’t know whether to write down everything he says or leap across the desk and strangle him.”
“The brilliance of the SLAP company’s solutions lies in their radical ideas. They are the crown jewel in Oracle’s management development curriculum and justifiably the highest rated development process in our company’s history.
We rate SLAP as an exceptional contributor to our business performance.”
When you think of computers, think of Steve Jobs. When you of e-commerce, think Jeff Bezos. When you think of culture, think Stan Slap. His work is the best I've ever seen.
“We have seen it all and worked with the very best. I believe SLAP offers a path to improving our client experience like no one else does.”
“Amongst their valuable solutions, SLAP is uniquely effective in clarifying what is personally important to executives in order to recommit them to their work. I was a senior executive at both Oracle and Microsoft and witnessed the impact on our executives in both of those companies. We are getting the same results at Electronic Arts.” |
“After a single exposure to Stan Slap’s unique thinking, we asked him to join our board of directors. His company’s solutions stick. They immediately entered the pulse and bloodstream of this company.” |
“I have been on the inside of a company that became a brand and I can tell you that SLAP has the most accurate process I’ve ever seen for causing that to happen in your company.” |
“From Proctor and Gamble to PepsiCo, I’ve had a lot of management theory in my career. The SLAP company blows everything else away in terms of substance and impact.” |
“I have employed many big strategic thinkers over the years. Noel Tichy, Michael Porter, and C.K. Prahalad are a few that come immediately to mind. I have learned more from Stan Slap than from any of these people. The lessons of his company’s solutions continue to echo in my head as the ultimate truth about how a business should be run.” |
“The full SLAP approach to creating what they call a ‘brandable customer experience’ does exactly that. Their process is the best I’ve seen in all my years in business.” |
“The internal commitment generated for us by SLAP is priceless.” |
I wish we'd had SLAP at GE during our branding efforts.
The only one that's missing is yours. Let's fix that.
How do we gain unity and focus around company goals from every business unit and team?
Under the Hood: TOC (Transfer of Competency)
by New York Times Best-Selling author Stan Slap. Get your hands on the book that has helped enterprises supercharge their employee cultures and achieve maximum business performance.