Good people will show more of their good in these tough times: more empathy, more generosity, more accountability. Evil people will show more of their evil in these tough times: more narcissism, more irresponsibility, more greed.
Good companies will show more of their good in these tough times: More protection of their employees to the utmost of their abilities, more service to their customers in novel ways, more use of their facilities for common and community benefit. Bad companies will show more of their bad in these tough times: More uncaring for the literal and emotional safety of their employee culture, more disregard for being relevant to their customers unless they are trying to sell them something, more refusal to use their resources to give and give back rather than to always take.
Good government officials will show more of their good in these tough times: More recognition that the first purpose of leadership is to serve your true constituency or your leadership is fundamentally corrupt, more emphasis on the safety of their constituency as the priority, more modeling and messages of hope, truth and appeal to our better angels. Bad government officials will show more of their bad in these tough times: More partisan divide, more inflammatory rhetoric that passes for and distracts from substantive solutions; more concern about their own careers and donors than the welfare of their citizens.
The only question is whether there are more good people than bad people. This was decided long before this current crisis descended upon us. I believe, with my heart and to my soul, that there are a lot more good people, and that they populate communities and organizations that are extraordinarily capable of doing good things in these tough times.
Otherwise nothing will ever make sense in our world, even when this crisis passes.
Our energy should be focused on confirming that we’re on the side of the angels, not wondering what the devils are up to. They play poker with the face card pasted smack on their foreheads – it’s easy to tell what they’re up to, and easy to forecast their motives and plans. But we’re playing at our own table, not theirs.
What actions of people and organizations have just reinforced your belief that there is enough good out there to smack down, stop, thwart, ignore, interrupt, screw mightily with, and ultimately triumph over the bad? They can be mainstream or obscure; global or known only to you; profound or bizarre; your own actions or the actions of others. Share them here and keep ‘em coming. View ListAdd to itMORE GOOD

A live list of beautiful and amazing tributes in remembrance.
Post by Sondra Norris from SLAP.

Personal trainer Hector Guadalupe founded A Second U Foundation to help fellow former inmates find jobs in the fitness industry. As Covid-19 closed gyms, he and his team found new ways to reach clients and inspire.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

They’re stepping up and using their medical expertise.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Aya Abou Rshd’s schooling was cut off first by civil war, and then the pandemic.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Sawyer County Sheriff’s Department and a community effort found Abigail Ladwig and her Cocker Spaniel mix Peanut lost in the Wisconsin woods.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.
When Adam Speiler went to trade in his 2004 Toyota Camry Solara, he was told it was worth $1,500. To his co-worker Zerubabbel “Z” Yisrael, however, the car is priceless.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Faced with a slow summer due to the coronavirus, a group of Wilmette boys learned lessons in gardening and friendship.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Putting a price on the world’s second-largest coral reef off the coast of Cancún.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Connie Schultz's tweet touched the hearts of overextended moms everywhere.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Several hundred workers are receiving $1,000 relief payments from the Public Theater.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Two Georgia high school teachers created a rap song about going back to school during the pandemic and made a video with Jamel Overstreet.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Stanford Medical School student Gianna Nino went viral for a tweet about farmworker wages during her time picking blueberries in Washington.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Terrill Haigler is inspiring people around Philadelphia with an Instagram account documenting day-to-day life for sanitation workers.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Four teens came together to create a coloring book that helps explain the pandemic to kids through drawing and reading.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Sister Stephanie Baliga ran 26.2 miles on a treadmill in a Chicago basement.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Mia Villa, 3, bakes and delivers over 1,000 cookies to first responders amid pandemic. She's been perfecting her chocolate chip cookies since she was 18 months old.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Foxtrot the United Nations World Food Program's mascot dog brings smiles to the Rohingya at Cox's Bazar refugee camp.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Leigh Downing used sketches made by his nephew Calden Ashley to construct a 230-foot-long 'Big Dipper' rollercoaster in his Llandyrnog backyard.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

American Girl has turned Virginia EMT hero April O’Quinn into a doll after her niece became one of 5 winners in the Heroes with Heart contest.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Brian Murphy—a.k.a. DJ Murph—a restaurant fan participating in a viral Tik-Tok “Venmo Challenge,” gifted California server Peter Murray $1k.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

Wachsmuth's friend noticed there was something inside, and the two fished out the letter written by Cathi Riddle and her cousin, Stacey Wells, dated 35 years ago — Aug. 1, 1985.
Post by Anthony Bear from SLAP.

This Bengaluru-based engineer is rescuing apartments that face water shortage with his low-cost Rainwater Harvesting system.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

SURAT: Even in his wildest flight of fantasy, Shivrati Kumar, 22, a textile worker from Chandauli district in Uttar Pradesh could never dream of trave.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

This Be Kind To Humankind Week, and some students certainly exhibited some kindness on Sunday.
Post by Sondra Norris from SLAP.

Since May 17, Rodney Smith has driven nearly 19,000 miles across 46 of the 48 continental United States.
Post by Anthony Bear from SLAP.