Good people will show more of their good in these tough times: more empathy, more generosity, more accountability. Evil people will show more of their evil in these tough times: more narcissism, more irresponsibility, more greed.
Good companies will show more of their good in these tough times: More protection of their employees to the utmost of their abilities, more service to their customers in novel ways, more use of their facilities for common and community benefit. Bad companies will show more of their bad in these tough times: More uncaring for the literal and emotional safety of their employee culture, more disregard for being relevant to their customers unless they are trying to sell them something, more refusal to use their resources to give and give back rather than to always take.
Good government officials will show more of their good in these tough times: More recognition that the first purpose of leadership is to serve your true constituency or your leadership is fundamentally corrupt, more emphasis on the safety of their constituency as the priority, more modeling and messages of hope, truth and appeal to our better angels. Bad government officials will show more of their bad in these tough times: More partisan divide, more inflammatory rhetoric that passes for and distracts from substantive solutions; more concern about their own careers and donors than the welfare of their citizens.
The only question is whether there are more good people than bad people. This was decided long before this current crisis descended upon us. I believe, with my heart and to my soul, that there are a lot more good people, and that they populate communities and organizations that are extraordinarily capable of doing good things in these tough times.
Otherwise nothing will ever make sense in our world, even when this crisis passes.
Our energy should be focused on confirming that we’re on the side of the angels, not wondering what the devils are up to. They play poker with the face card pasted smack on their foreheads – it’s easy to tell what they’re up to, and easy to forecast their motives and plans. But we’re playing at our own table, not theirs.
What actions of people and organizations have just reinforced your belief that there is enough good out there to smack down, stop, thwart, ignore, interrupt, screw mightily with, and ultimately triumph over the bad? They can be mainstream or obscure; global or known only to you; profound or bizarre; your own actions or the actions of others. Share them here and keep ‘em coming. View ListAdd to itMORE GOOD

PORTLAND, Ore. (KATU) — Community members are helping raise money for Hank, a dog who was seriously injured a few weeks ago when someone threw him off of an Interstate 5 overpass in Portland. A few weeks ago, April Eells’ mother was driving near I-5 at Marine Drive when she saw something fall from the overpass. She pulled over and found Hank seriously hurt. April works at a veterinary clinic, and was able to get him the help and surgeries he needed.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

An anonymous do-gooder dressed as batman (but with a face mask) delivers food to the homeless people on streets in Santiago Chile.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

Meet the ward boys, or hospital assistants, who are the unsung heroes in India's Covid-19 fight.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Trevor Murphy was training for a 100-mile ultramarathon in Arizona's McDowell Mountain Regional Park when he spotted flames from a lightning-sparked wildfire. Murphy used his feet to create a firebreak to stop the blaze from spreading. He came away from the experience with a broken phone, melted shoes and singed hair. CNN affiliate KPHO has more.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

The program was started in March to help residents at a senior apartment building deal with isolation due to COVID-19.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

When Czech consultant saw shortages, "it was an impulse to do something."
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Paris Williams is a first grader from St. Louis. She's just started her own foundation to help tackle food insecurity among the homeless.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Nicknamed "Mama Peace," Jeni Stepanek, mother of the late boy-poet Mattie Stepanek, shares the lasting legacy of her remarkable son.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Regular patrons of a New Jersey diner surprise a waitress with a car as the tip for their meal.
Post by Sondra Norris from SLAP.

The troop made 70 masks for teachers, staff and students, and 70 lanyards to hold masks. They also filled the order for 40 sneeze guards.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.
“If you don’t know about women in your line, learn about the women in your line and ask them for strength,” says linguist Jessie “Little Doe” Baird.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

One recipient said she thinks all children would appreciate a doll that looks like them
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

Since getting the eviction note that read "Guess who's moving? You!!!" Sonja Lee says community members have stepped up to help her family.
Post by Angele Baza from SLAP.

An Iowa restaurant owner is firing up his grill to supply hundreds of free meals for his community after thousands fell victim to a line of devastating storms last week.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Texas couple Carlos Muniz and Grace Leimann were married at San Antonio’s Methodist Hospital ICU while Muniz battles coronavirus.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

A mural paying tribute to country singer and Tennessee native Dolly Parton and her stance on the Black Lives Matter movement has emerged outside a known music venue in Nashville.
Post by Stan Slap from SLAP.

Their goal is to encourage giving and support the needs of existing organizations in Minneapolis — on bicycles.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Illiteracy, lack of internet in Guatemalan highlands block virtual learning.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Some employers are trying to relieve the pressure on working parents by quickly setting up temporary childcare centers for their employees.
Post by Mikki Laurel from SLAP.

Renu Singh, 44, a resident of Mumbai, is living in an one-room lodging right outside Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, for the past one year. Singh, who we
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

At a time when farmers in the district are at their wits’ end in dealing with the issue of birds ravaging crops, a farmer here has planted half acre o
Post by Sondra Norris from SLAP.

An 87-year-old woman who lives in the UK and travels to India in the winter to meet her daughters — her elder daughter lives in Kolkata and the younge
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.

Meena Kumar has already raised $14,000 for Muttville Senior Dog Rescue through pet-sitting.
Post by Anthony Bear from SLAP.

A 15-year-old boy has raised over $13,000 in donations for homeless veterans, special needs children, and first responders by selling and donating wooden flags he carves himself.
Post by Sondra Norris from SLAP.

A 13-year-old Boy Scout is working to make a difference in his community and using his ingenuity in the process. When Kaial Hajik heard about people drowning near his hometown of Panama City Beach, Florida, he had to do something. So he built a prototype of a device he calls the LifeBoKx, a kit with life-saving equipment that could be installed along the beach. Inside are life vests, a lifesaver and CPR instructions. Each box would have a location number to help rescuers find people faster.
Post by Rikki Kiefer from SLAP.